This weekend our ward had our father's and son's campout at Burro Creek between Bagdad and Wikeup, and yes, Wikeup is a real place, and so is Nothing, Arizona which they did pass on the way back home. True story, no lies here! And I do fully intend to tell you all about father's and son's at least the stories I have been told second hand, but I think I will start off on a more selfish note... So let's talk about me.... and Heat stroke!
On Friday I decided that I really wanted to go on a bike ride with this awesome lady in the ward, laura Phelps, who is like a million times more in shape than me and did I mention awesome?! So, being that it was a totally spontaneous thing and being that I had to figure out where all four of my kids were going to go, we didn't end up leaving until 11am. That should have been my first clue, but I wasn't really looking at clues, I was flying down the road over to the Phelps home and ready for adventure. (and thank you jenni Davenport for watching the kids on such short notice).
Laura, as her usual spunky self, was up for anything so I helped her cramm the two bikes in the back of my Pilot and we were on our way. She said that she knew a trail that went all the way around Coor's Lake that she and her husband soemtimes rode. Clue 2: Her husband Carl, is an even more insanely awesome bike rider than, well anyone I know, and I know a lot of people. Well, truth be told, I don't know that many people over the age of 10, but trust me on this one. Carl Phelps= insane mountain bike rider, and a very quiet soul to boot and Laura Phelps = not much less insane and spunky as all get out!
Back to the story about one in-shape lady on a bike that knew what she was doing in the middle of the hot day and one not in-shape at all lady on a borrowed bike in the middle of the desert with no water! O.K. I made the last part up, of course I had water- I borrowed Lund's hydropack that had a leaky valve and I had to keep the end in my mouth the whole time else it shall leak all over me..... not a bad idea to let it leak all over considering how hot I got.
Else you shall fall asleep, let me finish my lovely story. Pretty much, we took a two hour bike ride in really hot weather and I just happen to be out of shape and tired and anything else that makes me look as pitiful as I probably looked. We rode a little over three miles through very insane conditions, like uphill (not my favorite) and downhill (really not my favorite) dirt roads. Laura put up with me like a champ and needs a medal for going the extra mile... and I truly mean the extra mile... We got almost finished and I just couldn't go on anymore and I knew that puking was in my very near future and I abhore puking! So I lay against a rock in the only shade I could find and she had to ride the rest of the way by herself and then bring back my car to pick me up..... It was either that or call the Ambulance and I didn't feel like listening to them laugh....
So, I got home (after picking up some lunch for Laura and myself at the Cafe, which was my treat for all she had to put up with) and the kids commented about how red in the face I was and how big my teeth were... (oh wait that is Little Red Riding Hood). I was SICK the rest of the day. I felt like I had the flu and I could hardly move at all...... I spent lots of time in the bedroom laying down and cursing the sun.... And then I got the phone call that Morgan threw his back out at work......
So, stay tuned for chapter two of this entry becuase this has been long enough and I haven't even gotten to the part about boys camping or husbands hurting their backs and all that followed.....
p.s. don't worry Laura, of course I am going to want to go riding again, because that is just the torturous kind of person I am!!! Torture for me and you, I am multitasking! He! He!