Saturday, January 31, 2009
Will turns 3! (well, sort of)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Ode to the Pukies and the Leakies!
Will has been sick lately with diahrrea and then the pukies started and then more diahrrea. And I am not talking the occasional, every five-or-so-hours diahrrea. I will give you an example of the diahrrea I am talking about....
Today, I took him to Prescott to see his Pediatrician because I was nervous that he was getting deydrated. He has lost two pounds, but he is not needing to be hospitalized or anything. So, after consulting with Dr. Green we headed over to the Walmart to get all the stuff he talked about in said appointment.
So, the key here is that when Will says "I am poopy" he really means it and you had better change him FAST because this diahrrea stuff is like acid on his bum and stinky to boot. So he tells me that he is poopy and we run and I mean run with me carrying him to the bathroom in the back of Walmart. I change him and even have to change his outfit (I came prepared with three extra outfits), and then I pick him up and put him back in the cart that is right next to my right hip there in the lovely "Family Bathroom". Before I even get him put back into the cart, he yells, "Mom, I am POOPY!" I think that he is just feeling the effects of just being wiped down until I look down at my clothes and the floor. Yup, diahrrea all down my clothes, shoes and onto the floor. So, without grossing you out further, suffice to say, the Walmart trip took a LONG time to finish because of FREQUENT trips to the bathroom. And then he fell over in his seat in the cart asleep because all of this wore him out so much. Poor guy! I feel so sorry for him!
Tomorrow we will do a stool sample and hopefully it won't be salmonella again, arggghhhhh!!!
P.S. I should have done the Poop-A-Thon this week, then I would be rolling in the dough!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
trying to catch up...
Will, Sarah, and Colter in their first costumes...
jumping in their costumes
the monkey goes bananas... notice the banana in his pocket...
He even pushes his truck in costume
Sleepy Time Bear gets in trouble for throwing rocks at the other characters....
Meet MonkeyBatMan....
The Pirate Princess.....nice Will
Classy, classy, classy
"You need more batteries???"
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Ladies Night Out!
Monday, January 12, 2009
"Mom, I need some alcohol!"
Sunday, January 11, 2009
The other version of the "Noah's Ark Story"
Here is the setting of the story... our piano and Noah's Ark sitting unsuspecting on top.
You can see where the airplane crashed and all the animals are in the process of attempting their jumps. I wonder how many will survive?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Wiemer
Playing "Around the World"
Cassidy holding her head so that the ball won't hit her (this happens frequently)