Wednesday, March 16, 2011

T minus 4 days till cruise and Johnson house still has the flu!!!

So, I think I have the stomach flu like Cassidy had yesterday and we are T minus 4 days until our cruise!!! So, instead of stressing about the fact that we have had the flu in our house for about two weeks now, I will share with you some fun. Click on this video and you won't be able to stop laughing!!!


runningfan said...

Oh, I love babies! Thanks for reminding me! :)

Soooo sorry you're still sick! Your cruise will REALLY be a vacation!

Strong Family - said...

I am SO sorry you're sick!!! Hope your cruise is awesome!

Tonya said...

4 days is plenty of time to get better ;)

The baby video is so funny.

All 7 of Us said...

I hope you all feel better soon! We are still battling it out at our house to. Im crossing my fingers to have everyone better by the weekend. Hope you enjoy your trip!

Ian said...

A cruise! How exciting! That is one thing I have never done before, but hope to someday:) My friend just got back from one and told me how wonderful it was. She said there was great nightly performances and lots of good food! Maybe your tummy is just cleansing itself in preparation for lots of good food!

Bonnie Hynes said...

so how is the fam? Is Morgan hanging in there? What are the new spring break plans?!? C'mon, a girl's gotta know! Love you guys!