This is me exactly one year ago....
So, today is the one year anniversary from the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I CANNOT believe it has been a year! In some ways it feels like ten years have passed, but in other ways, it feels like it was just yesterday.......
I can still remember the morning of November 2, 2009 SOOOOO well!!! I can remember driving to Prescott early that morning to get to my appointment with the surgeon and to get the four sick kids in the car to their pediatrician right after my appointment. I remember driving the 1 1/2 hours to Prescott, only to stop half way there to let Will throw up in the desert. I can remember calling my surgeon and saying, "I think I might need to reschedule my appointment, my son just threw up and I really need to get him to the Pediatrician." Then the secretary told me that even if I was late they needed to see me. So I drug my four sick kids into the surgeons office with me and had the older three wait in the waiting room and took Will into the room with me.
The surgeon didn't mince words...."You don't have any family history, and your too young and the biopsy we took four months ago came back negative....but somehow you have cancer!" ...........Pretty much the rest is all a blur, just like different aspects of this year have been.
The jury is still out in my mind.... would I take back the cancer diagnosis if I could?
..... Welll, frankly, I don't think I would ........I have learned too many valuable things, loved more fully than I ever thought possible, and gained amazing relationships that I would have never had. ......
So today to celebrate my one year annivesary, I decided to go wild and get three cavities filled!!!! Wahoooo
I am now going to take my drugged self to bed......Thank you Ambien for letting me get through this stressful night!
So happy you are here! It's a somber anniversary....but you made it!
What a gal you are! Celebrating such news with a dentist appointment! Love it. Thank you for your attitude and example, and thanks for being my friend! Love you guys!
Love and miss you, Christa! As always, you are so amazing...and I can't believe it'd been a year either!
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