Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Avacodo pits and monster eggs

On Sunday evening, I was making Taco Soup, cutting around the avocados and removing the pits. Soon there was a frenzy in the kitchen and ALL the kids wanted the 2 pits that were extracted.
They thought they were "so cool" and could do lots of tricks as well. They could spin on their heads, they were hard and unbreakable.....in their mind, they were the essence of "cool". Sarah ended up with one of the pits because she did a favor for me and that was her reward. I don't even remember who ended up with the other one because I never saw it again and I am sure I will find it a year from now when I am cleaning. The reason I remember Sarah had one of the pits is the story that follows.....

Sarah had been counting down the hours and minutes until we went to her cousins house to have cake and ice cream for his 7th birthday. Before we left I was hurriedly wrapping Kade's present and Sarah comes over and says... "My present is ready." And in her hand is a small Tupperware with her prized avocado pit in it. I didn't want to shatter her fragile ego by saying that an avocado pit isn't exactly a birthday present, and who am I to say it isn't?

Fast forward to an hour later as we all sat gathered around Kade as he opened his presents. A baseball bat and ball, the movie "Diary of a Wimpy Kid", a picture frame from us (we are lame present givers), a hotwheel from Will, and on and on. Soon, all the gifts were opened and Kade started to get up from his "present opening chair". A quiet voice rose from Sarah, " I still have your present" and from behind her back she pulled out the prized avocado pit in the green Tupperware. Kade looked at it and shook the container, "What it is?" he asked. Sarah suddenly regained her voice and spoke excitedly, "it is the middle of an avocado, the pit. It is really cool and does lots of tricks! Watch!" She grabbed the Tupperware and heads over to the counter where she demonstrates a spinning pit to all. Lund yells from behind everyone, "And it's an egg too! It will hatch a monster pretty soon!" I growled at him as I grabbed his arm..."don't you dare!!!"
Morgan demonstrated to Kade how to grow an avocado tree out of the pit. He gathered a glass of water and two toothpicks (bobby pins in this case), and Kade looked pretty interested. Lund piped up, "And that is how you get it ready to hatch!"
oh boy!!! Hopefully he won't "buy it", but then again who am i kidding, seven is the age of "buying" everything!
I thought it was sooo sweet that Sarah was willing to give up a prized possession to her cousin for his birthday. Yes, it was an avocado pit, and yes, it was a bit strange, but it was love!!!!

p.s. I was truly "kicking myself" for not bringing my camera to this special moment!! Darn!


Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Sweet grand daughter we have and sweet mom of grand daughter who sees and preserves for posterity heart felt gifts and kindnesses of her children.

Marsha Ward said...

Ahhh! Such a sweet gift. Thank you for recording the event so well. You're a good writer!