Well, the 2008 Poop-A-Thon finally ended tonight at 10:38pm, much to my dismay. I was really enjoying not changing diapers!!! But we had fun times and stinky times too, but they were all times!!! (I am not quite sure what that means, it is after midnight)...
So, without further ado, here are the results....
Will had 11 poopy diapers this week and 20 wet diapers for a grand total of
31 diapers from Monday until bedtime on Friday. I had NO IDEA that he went through that many diapers in a weeks time or that he poops that often. It was surely an eye-opening experience, especially because the kids only changed him when they "Had to" so I know that they weren't wasting any diapers just for fun!!! Just for those people who are particular about details, I am including what time and who changed each diaper, just for fun....
Monday9:20am Wet diaper changed by Cassidy
11:05am poopy diaper changed by Lund
12:53pm wet diaper changed by Cassidy
3:21pm wet diaper changed by Lund
5:43pm poopy diaper changed by Cassidy
8:10pm wet diaper changed by Lund
Tuesday 8:20am wet diaper changed by Cassidy
9:41am poopy diaper changed by Lund
10:20am poopy diaper changed by Cassidy
3:32pm wet diaper changed by Lund
5:11pm wet diaper changed by Cassidy
7:18pm wet diaper changed by Lund
9:01pm poopy diaper changed by Cassidy
Wednesday 6:30am wet diaper changed by Lund
8:32am wet daiper changed by Cassidy
10:43am wet diaper changed by Lund
12:30pm poopy diaper changed by Lund
4:20pm wet diaper changed by Lund
7:42pm wet diaper changed by Cassidy
9:31pm poopy diaper changed by Cassidy
Thursday5:39am wet diaper changed by Lund
10:43 am wet diaper changed by Cassidy
1:11pm poopy diaper changed by Lund
(They decided to play with friends, thus losing fundraising profits for, like five hours)
8:07pm poopy diaper changed by Cassidy
9:22pm wet diaper changed by Lund
Friday10:44am wet diaper changed by Lund
12:56pm wet diaper changed by Cassidy
1:26pm poopy diaper changed by Lund
4:02pm wet diaper changed by Cassidy
6:26pm poopy diaper changed by Lund
10:38pm wet diaper changed by Lund
Wow, that is way more information than any of you EVER needed, but I wouldn't want you to think we were faking it or something. Plus, this has got to be good research data for something.....just not quite sure what......
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts and diapers for donating or simply laughing about the 2008 Poop-A-Thon!!! Three cheers for Cassidy and Lund!!!
P.S. Cassidy thinks maybe next time we could do a walk-a-thon or read-a-thon, anything BUT a poop-a-thon!!!!!