Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Slowly playing the catch up game. Also known as Lund's Lego cake about a month late..

Hello everyone, this is "Slacker Blogger" here!!! (don't ask me why everything is blue and underlined....just roll with it!) I am now on a new, working labtop and I now have a new SD card reader hooked up to it so that I can FINALLY catch up on all the blogs that I have been shirking.
You will have to bear with me, because I am WAY behind, and I am going to try to catch up one blog entry at a time. (I am not WonderWoman you know!)
The first blog entry here is definitely belated since it is from Lund's birthday, June 24th. He had an interesting birthday this year because we are living in an apartment while we wait for our house to get ready, and the kids don't have too many friends yet. On his birthday, he wanted me to make him a "Lego cake". I made a valiant attempt, but a you can see, I am not the cake decorator in the family! The true cake genius was at work, but Lund was so cute about it. I told him that it wasn't the best looking Lego cake and he said to me..."It's o.k. mom,..... you are really good at sports!" Thanks for trying to cheer me up Lund! I love you and your caring personality!
So after the cake was made, Lund figured out that he didn't have any friends to share his cake with. So I made a few phone calls and hooked up with a friend from high school that has kids about the same age as ours. We had been wanting to get together for a long time and this just seemed like the perfect opportunity. And we had a MARVELOUS time!!! the kids want to go back there everyday see their chickens and play Lego's with their kids. Thank you April and kids for being spontaneous with us!
They seriously played Lego's for three full hours and the moms had a wonderful time catching up on life.
Nobody even fought the whole was simply a birthday MIRACLE!

Oh my goodnes! I am so embarrassed looking back at these pictures! Look at my Lego cake!! Ha ha! (I also tried to frost it when it wasn't quite cooled off yet because Lund was antsy...big mistake!)
........but..... Lund is all smiles and I guess that is what really matters!
............And onto Sarah's favorite thing............the chickens!!
I love this picture because Will is trying to coax the chicken into submission.
Then he decides that might not work, so he backs up a bit. (The chickens were actually amazingly docile!)

..........And more views of my pitiful cake!!!

Here is Ethan showing the kids how to handle the chicken.
And Sarah is in Chicken Heaven when she finally gets to hold one!!! She stayed outside with the chikens in the 100 degree plus weather for over an hour and didn't want to leave.

1 comment:

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Soooo glad that you now have a working computer and that you are going to catch up. I have missed your entries. They make us feel close. I personally love the cake and it looks deeeelicious!