Friday, April 30, 2010

Baseball and Best Buds

We are in the midst of Little League season and we have a game going on all the time. I haven't posted any pictures of Lund playing ball, so I thought it was about time. He is in the Majors this year and he is really getting the hang of it. He is the youngest on the team, but he keeps up with them. My quote for the year is...."When he was in minors, it was a minor disruption into our life and now that he is in Majors, it is a major disruption in our life." Actually, I wouldn't exactly call it a "disruption", it just takes a lot of time with the games twice a week and then practices as well. I am having flashbacks to my softball days!!! Last night after his game he crashed hard in bed, in full uniform including his cleats..... (I used to do that after a long hard game)
Yea, I am that skinny too!!! he he Doesn't he look so professional???!!
Here are some of his adoring fans!! (Notice they are all girls!!!) Here we have Cassidy, Josie, Behthanie, and Tori.
Here he is getting ready to bat.

And then there is the other side of the coin.... Will and Colter!!! I have already written about Will's Tball attitude. This week, his best little buddy is here from Pima and we dressed him in Sarah's uniform and let him play instead of her. She decided to stay at home and play with friends on the trampoline.
I love this picture because after the game I tried to take a picture of them together but Colter was WAY more interested in the cartoon on the t.v. Gotta love his smile!!!
yea! We finally finished the game and earned our Otter Pop!
One of the bigger kids on the team kept picking up Colter for fun, like he was a doll or something. It cracked me up!!
Will is #2 and they are giving five to the other team.
Will found another boy who was just as distracted during baseball as he is.. needless to say, he never got up and ran to second and the other boy ended up picking up a handful of dirt and throwing it in Will's face. O' the woes of Tball!
Here comes Colter after batting...
Colter started getting the hang of it after a bit..
This was Will's favorite place to hang out.. next to the bubble gum bucket!!! We brought it to share with the other kids on his team and they really liked that.

1 comment:

Bonnie Hynes said...

I love distracted Will sitting at first base. Those games look like they would be so much fun to watch! Keep me posted on the house findings!