Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cassidy turns 11 !!

Cassidy's birthday came, just like it always does about this time of year. The only difference was, I was watching this one from the sidelines. Auntie Bonnie made the cake, the kids wrapped the presents, and I slept on. But, it was still wonderful, because Cassidy is wonderful and everyone helping was also a wonderful experience. So, I will try to recap via pictures...

I thought this was such a classic moment. Will wrapped up two of his guns and gave them to Cassidy so that they could duel!! How thoughtful! Love their faces in this picture!
Here is Cassidy with all her "loot". She is into art, books, lip gloss, and more. And we had to wait until the UPS man arrived for her "big gift"! .....

Mario to the rescue!!!! We love our UPS man, and yes, we know him by name. And he was right in the nick of time with her present!! ..... But what can it be???????
No way!!! A Blue guitar!!! Just like the one Cassidy has been asking for specifically and repeatedly for a long time!!
And this is ONE HAPPY GIRL!!! We love you Cassidy!!! You have been a star in our lives since February 11th at 10:18am in the year 1999!!!!


Bonnie Hynes said...

YAY!! you called me Auntie!! Love it! Miss you guys. Thanks for letting me share in your bday cassidy!

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

Hope that Cassidy will remember us when she is rich and famous. What a fun birthday gift for Mario to deliver. So fun to see the pictures.