Sunday, March 30, 2008

Will loves to pose

This week Will has been enjoying the camera a lot and LOVES to pose when his picture is being taken! He tries all different poses and he is a hoot!! Here are two examples...


Strong Family - said...

Very cute. Zach is my "poser." To change your template go to the link I have under my "Websites" walks you right through it. I had a little trouble the first time and Dallin helped. To start off you go to the regular blogger templates and change it to "Minima" which is just all white. Then you follow the steps. For different templates you'll have to change your text color and stuff too. If you don't want to try figuring it out on your own, just give me a call and I can easily talk you through it. After you do it once it's really easy to change it again. 512-246-7508 :-)

Erin said...
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Erin said...

Hi Christa and Morgan... My husband and I used to work for Morgan in Pocatello. I thought of you guys today and searched for your little blog, and lo! and behold, here it is! You have beautiful children!
-Dustin and Erin Guymon