Monday, November 16, 2009

O.K., that is just plain gross!!!

here is the unsuspecting meat!!
Will came in yesterday holding a huge cookie that he was eating! It was then that we realized that it was not a huge cookie, but one of the frozen beef patties we had been thawing for dinner... ewwwwwww!!!!!! I sanitized his hands immediately, but I couldn't sanitize his stomach, so hopefully, he won't get sick or anything! I can't believe he thought it tasted good. Boys are sooo weird!

Here he is proving that he actually ate it all and swollowed everything....


annebabe said...

I might have just thrown up a little in my mouth. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

:-) I can top that.
When Micah was learning to crawl he found a "friend" when I found him I thought what I took out of his mouth was popcorn.. strange I had not made popcorn in some time. Then I realized there was a little eye and he had chased down one of the roaches that invaded our house. The fun part was fishing the body out once I realized what it was.. A REALLY BIG red roach...
Hope that gave you a laugh. And do not worry about Will Joe has had people in every store he has worked request fresh ground beef for them to eat raw.... just think steak tar tar :)Your Son is a gourmet eater :)
God Bless\Virginia

Bonnie Hynes said...

What is it with your kids and frozen meat? Remember when Cassidy practically accosted the frozen meat salesman at my house, and now this? you might want to have a professional look into this...I see a pattern emerging!