Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cassidy's week....

(Here is a picture of Cassidy drawing, which she loves)
I decided to do something new and let the kids each have a blog entry on Sunday. They will tell a little about their week.. we will start with Cassidy...

Mom: What was your favorite part of the week:

Cassidy: "My favorite part of the week was when my mom said that Lund was getting a parakeet and maybe if I worked hard enough, I would get one too." "I forgot the rest of my week, oh, I got something mom... "this week I gave my friend Josi Taylor a pillow that I made by myself." "O.K. I am done".

Mom: Cassidy, tell us something you learned at church today?

"I learned that, what did I learn, what did I learn....... " "O.K. you have to knock on a door to open it and nobody can open it if you don't knock on it. And that is like heaven, you have to be good and righteous and when you go to heaven, you will knock on the door and they will let you in."

.... And there you have it, from the voice of a nine-year-old....

I will have to pin the others down tomorrow because they are asleep now.

Stay tuned tomorrow for Lund's interview...


Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

What a wonderful thing to learn ---to make something and then give it away to a friend --- like you pillow. Then the knocking thing is important also. Jesus is always knocking on our door (the one inside of our mind and heart) and we can open to Him and let him come into our mind and heart and He will come in and sit with us and help us always in our lives. He not only just knocks but He calls out and we can hear His voice speak to us in the that Still Small Voice he uses. Johnsons sometimes have a hard time with the concept of a small voice. We Johnson's don't use our small voices a lot.... even on our mission Grandma is telling me "shshsh talk softer."
Thanks for sharing your day with us.

奔跑的小豌豆 said...

Hello, I just saw your blog occasionally when I was searching in google, I was moved by the pictures of your cute kids,they are really so cute! I believe this is a very happy and wonderful family,I love it S0oooooooo much! Thank you for sharing your day with us, and I will keep visiting your blog~ Have a good day~ Jessie