Friday, September 3, 2010

Cancer News.... Not wonderful today folks.. be pre-warned!

Hello all... I wasn't up to posting yesterday because I was out of it mentally after my doctor's appointment and shocking news. You'd think by this point, nothing that comes out of the mouth of my doctors would surpize me, but alas, I was startled once again yesterday. I feel very blessed that Morgan was able to get time off of work to be there with me during my appointment!
Alright, here is the news.... They have upgrated by cancer to stage 4 breast cancer! What does that mean? Well, that means that my cancer began as breast cancer, but now has metastisized to my right lung and lymphnodes deep in my chest. It will always be called "breast cancer" even though they will be treating different areas of my body. What next? Well, it looks like the next step is to have a small surgery where they make a slit in my throat and go down my throat to try to reach the enlarged lymphnodes. They are doing this proceedure, just in case (5-10%) chance that they have misdiagnosed it, and it is not more cancer. But, they are pretty certain it is. They took my blood last week and did some "cancer tests" on it and my cancer markers were elevated telling them that I still have cancer in my body. So, this basically means that even though I went through 6 months of chemotherapy and 2 months of radiation, the cancer was still able to live through it, although it may have stunted it's growth a bit.
How will they treat me? They will start me on a "new" therapy plan that will probably include a new chemotherapy regimen and other possibilities as well.
Did I cover everything medically?? I think so. Basically, it means that I will never "beat" cancer, the best I can do is be in "remission" for however long (hopefully about 60 years!)
I feel like everything is a bit out of my control, and we are back to the "waiting game" again. Waiting to see what the biopsy says. Waiting for a new chemotherapy schedule? Waiting patiently while my computer seems to underline EVERYTHING! ARRRRRGGGGG!!!

Oh, and to make the day really out of our control..... The sellers think we are "stalling " for some reason on the close of our house, so they got mad at us and relisted the house and told us that if everything is not finished by next Friday, then they are pulling out.......... I wish they could see how much we are not "stalling"!!! We would LOVE nothing more than to already be in our house, but for some reason Bank of America is processing the last bit of this REALLY slow!!! I am trying to learn patience or anger control or some other wonderful virtue... so I need to just take a deep breath and let whatever happens, happen!!

Enough Debbie Downer stuff... The kids had school pictures this week and I tried to snap a few pictures of them before they left. They were NOT happy and here are the results.... I thought it was hillariouis!

I got a few smiles out of Will, but he was sooooo WIGGLY!!
See how happy he was to get dressed up for school pictures!!

.... Love the "mug shot". he was NOT happy with being photographed! He was also very upset about living in Phoenix this day... wanted to go "home" to Bagdad!

.......Much better, you just have to get him to laugh a bit!
Sarah has a hard time being grumpy... she is just too smiley!! Even when she tries to be grumpy, she has a bit of a smile on her face!
Cassidy was also exceedigly "not excited"!!!!

I hope the Lifetouch people had better luck than I did!!! he he he


Bonnie Hynes said...

That is totally cassidys future teenager face!! So sorry about the cancer news, u r so great to be so cheerful throughout this whole thing. Love u guys!

Shelly said...

Oh my heck! That is horrible! I am so sorry that you have to go through this again. You have such a positive attitude even with everything going on and that is why you will beat the crap out of this. You are so strong and if you need anything at all, please call and we can do lunch or something.

Jeremy and Ruth said...

I love you. I love your family. I pray for you many times a day, and so does Karver (he is more perfect than I, and has faith like a child, so his prayers are REALLY powerful!) Please let me know what we can do. I can come to visit, but will have to bring a baby! :) I always hated school picture day too!! Sarah is wonderful and I love that she CANT be grouchy, what a wonderful trait! P.S. you know you always have family support, not only from morgan and kids, but from all of us!

Cinoda said...

Having had breast cancer myself, I am devasted at your news. Prayers to you and your family. How you were able to pull together a family picture post after this news is astounding to me. You are one heck of a women.

Cheeri said...

I wish I had a band-aid big enough to make it all better for you. We've been praying for you since you told us the first time around, we will double our prayers now! Heavenly Father knows how important you are to so many people. We're sending our love. If your kids need a play date come on over. I bet they'd all get along famously over here :)

Grama Karen and Papa Lund said...

We laughed out loud at Lund's "mug shot". All he needed was a number at the bottom of the screen but obviously he could not hold that pose for too long.
We send our love to you and your treasured family.
Mom and Dad

Jennie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your news and my heart just goes out to you guys!! You are still such an example to me and such a strong woman and you and your family are in olur prayers.

Anonymous said...

Christa, I check in on you quite often but I don't always comment. I am just so sorry!! I will quadruple my prayers for you and your family. You are an amazing lady and the kids are adorable. Peace and love to you all.

annebabe said...

my friend, I don't even know what to say to you. I pray for you daily. The Lord has a plan for you. He has a plan for your family. Trust Him and love each day. You can do it!!!!

T. Sipes said...

Christa, I am so sorry to hear that news:( Anna wanted me to let you know that she too is sorry about the news and they will be praying for you and your family. This is probablly the time when you wish that you have already learned whatever it is you are suppose to learn. Love you guys.

Erin said...

Christa... You are in our thoughts, and our prayers. We know you'll kick cancer's @$$. Apparently, the cancer hasn't caught on to that fact yet. :) It will soon enough, and it will be so sad that it ever messed with you. Love you guys.

runningfan said...

I'm just sick about your news. Hang in there, girlfriend!

Strong Family - said...

You're in my prayers and thoughts. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug. We're coming to AZ for Thanksgiving and I'll find you and give you a big hug then! Lauree

gwen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gwen said...

Christa, we have been waiting for a further report.Know that Howard and I(and the kids) will continue to pray for the very best for you and your sweet family.I am so glad that fast Sunday is tomorrow.You will be top of our many ways! and you should give me the # for your home sellers!...they need some enlightenment!! from NYC! We love you

gwen said...

The thought just occurred to me that I was considering two options for your test results...remission or cancer-free. But this morning I thought of a third...that would be a miracle.That's the one I am putting all my energy into at this time.The Lord's will be done...and may we all unite our faith to bring it about in joy. gwen

*CPA* Su said...

I am so sorry to hear your news! I have been holding you in my prayers...even though I don't know you, God knows you and I believe in the power of prayer! :) One of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:13~I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. I pray you can hold tight to that as you walk through this valley in your life.

Unknown said...

These are great pictures Christa! I miss you all and think of you often.