Monday, July 1, 2013

Pretty (Big) in Pink


Today was a bittersweet day in our lives. We were VERY excited to see the completed CATAPILLAR truck that we have been apart of; and yet we were so saddened by the 19 fireman who were killed in the Yarnell fire. Yarnell wasn’t too far from us when we lived in Bagdad and Morgan even performed a wedding there when he was bishop of the Bagdad ward. We will pray for all the families involved.


So, we headed down to Greenvalley, AZ yesterday evening to be ready for the early morning commissioning of the 1st pink truck ever.


I was amazed by the GARGANTUAN size of the truck! The last time we saw it was in Mesa at the Caterpillar headquarters and it was in pieces then. In this picture I am standing by another lady from Freeport McMoran, Colorado, who also has breast cancer. She was an instant friend and we had so much fun. Thank you Marlys Weimer!

DSCF0137And Since it was a pink truck, we commissioned it with Cherry 7up! I shook mine up a bit too much, but it was so much fun!


There are two of us with breast cancer, and two ladies that were in charge.


How fun it was to have both sets of grandparents there.


A little bit closer up..


And there was a beautiful girl sitting in the wheel of the truck. When did my daughter get so old and beautiful!?

Definitely a fun day, a day for the books!!!

p.s. there may be a lot of other pictures to come because there were people following us with cameras and video cameras.


LUND said...

Nicely done! The pictures do catch the huge amount of pink and the water truck big enough to have it's own zip code. What a fun day. You guys get us to do things that we never dreamed of.
Mom and Dad Johnson

jana said...

Christa, Looks like you had a great day! That is so cool. We think of you and Morgan and hope things are going well for you. Brandon and Mandy are moving to Colorado this next week. Come and visit us whenever you are in the neighborhood. Love, Mike and jana Short