I am sitting here in the car waiting outside the Bagdad Clinic as Morgan took Sarah in to get examined inside. I went inside, but they kicked me out because I just had surgery on Wednesday and there are so many germs in there it is like Germ-a-pollosa!! I guess that strep throat is making such a rampant appearance here in Bagdad that they have renamed it "The Bagdad Strep"! (Not very clever if you ask me... how about "Halloween horror" or maybe "the Bagdad Bully" or something a little more creative....)
I just got a text message from Morgan that they are preparing Sarah for a shot of antibiotics. Fun times! I think I will stay right here in the safety of the car. They told me that they don't want me to get sick from Sarah...... hum!!! how is that going to work???!!! Since she and I have both been under the weather since we got back from the hospital on Wednesday night, we have been sharing the same "sick bed" and have even been watching the same corny Disney Halloween specials together. Is there really anyway for a mom to avoid their child's germs????? I don't think so!!!
In other news, my surgery went o.k. For those of you who don't know, the surgeon removoed a golf ball sized lump from my left breast and they are currently in the process of dissecting it in a lab somewhere. I will hopefully get the results when I go to my follow-up appointment on Monday at 9:15am. I did learn that I am allergic to Morphine and I definitely don't want to ever have that stuff in my system EVER again, it wasn't very pleasant. Today I am really sore all over and I am hoping to get back to normal sometime soon. At least the surgery is over!!!
Sarah also had her teeth worked on in the morning of that lovely surgery day at Kidzaam. She had to be sedated because she has had a lot of anxiety about anybody touching her teeth and freaks out if the dentist gets close. The "special juice" did the trick though, and she was a champ. She also said some really cute, funny things when she was sedated like.... "Oh, I forgot to sing the ABC's while I was washing my hands, so I guess we had better start all over".... and other such nonsense. Gotta love it!!!
Good luck and keep us posted. I'll be praying for you!
For sure! Keep us posted. Are they worried it could be cancerous? My goodness, let us know if you need anything!! Is the ward doing meals for you? Who am I kidding I'm sure Miss Becky is taking good care of you. :) She is good at that! Feel better and keep us posted. I'll be watching your blog all day Monday to see whats up. Love Ya!
thank you for all your love my far away friends!!! I love you all!!!
I'm torn between expressing my worry about your and Sarah's health or expressing my displeasure that this is the first we're hearing about it! So much for a "Hey, I'm going into surgery in a few days, extra prayers would be appreciated!" That is the beauty of the internet, your far away friends can still be "in" on stuff even though we aren't in the same town. Whew! Well, I am glad to hear that things have gone well, thus far, but PLEASE keep us posted and there will be lots of happy thoughts and prayers coming your way. :)
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