Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...and that is how I fell asleep in my Scout uniform

This is a picture taken of me before I was called to the Scouting program, see how pretty I am!!!! He!He!

this is the "after" picture of me in my kitchen at 1am after falling asleep in my scout uniform. Children, shield your eyes!!!! He!he!

And this is how kids get headaches! Actually Owen is recieving his "Bobcat" award and he is held upside down by his parents and someone puts the badge on his right side up and hence, the badge is then upside down. Do you see that we do things the long way in the Scouting program? He! Oh, and the people at the Scout store told me that "Boy Scouts of America are no longer liable for any and all head injuries sustained while doing this hideous practice!" Eat your heart out lawyers!

So, it is now 1am on the morning after having my first Blue and Gold Banquet for the Cub Scouts. Now, in a "regular ward" the Scouting book claims that there should be a committee for figuring out the food, a committee for setting up and taking down, a committee for decorating, a commitee for coming up with the skits, jokes, and speakers, a commitee for... oh, you get the picture by now! But we aren't a "regular" ward, we are the Bagdad Ward in the small town of Bagdad, Arizona. So we do with what we've got! And what we have is me, and a few poor ladies that I have enlisted along the way to help me out. Being that it was my first Blue and Gold banquet, I researched it heavily in the million books I have, on the internet, etc. I thought that I was doing pretty good with my plan until the representative from the Primary said, "Oh and the Primary President wants you to know that they have skits and such at a Blue and Gold Banquet" Crap! back to the drawing board......

For Family Night this week, our family, along with two other families that steped in to help us out, (I love you guys by the way!), set up the church for the banquet and got everything ready. They helped me paint stars on the butcher paper table cloths, cut out letters on my Cricut machine, track down the flag holder from a house here in Bagdad, you get the point.

And the day of the event, I pretty much ignored my biological children, and all other non-biological children and tried to finish getting ready for the big event. This will come into play later when you see how Will behaved during the said banquet.

So we get to the church, we get started, And I begin with the Opening Ceremonies..... tada, Will screams out from the audience, "I am poopy mom, change me!" And repeats it again and again. Morgan takes him out, but low and behold he is not poopy, he wants attention. (imagine that after the day he had with the alien mom). He had a few other special moments during the night too where he did things like, bang really loud on the drums that were a prop for the skit, (the drums consisted of food storage buckets and wooden dowels for the drumsticks)., and run up to the front where I was talking and hold or pull on my leg, shirt, etc. You get the picture, he was an ignored child that just wanted to pull his mommy away from this monster they call "Scouting". he!he!

And truthfully, it was a wonderful evening, full of laughs and good times, and jokes told by the boys, and dinner, and family and everything else that is wonderful about the Scouting program. And do I love my calling???? yes, I love my calling and I love "my" boys and all their antics and I actually even LOVE the Scouting program..... but that is how I fell asleep in my Scout uniform, in a messy house, with neglected children, and a very neglected and overworked husband beside me!!!!

P.S. I didn't get any pictures of my poor son, Lund, who was a Cub Scout at the banquet tonight. I didn't get any pictures of him laughing as they told their silly jokes, or him being presented his basketball award, or him hanging out with the other boys and really enjoying himself. I just had to take mental pictures and I hope this will suffice...I love you Lund!


nickndest said...

It sounds like everything went great! And more important than your metal pictures of Lunds are the metal pictures Lund will have of you taking your time and energy to do something like this for him and his friends:)

Steven and Ginger said...

Baloo's bugle is a great scouting website that has the theme, food ideas, skits, cheers, and more each month. You're "regular" ward isn't the only one without a committee.
Ginger (sister-in-law of Heather Larson) I know you don't know me, but I couldn't resist your title on Heather's blog, cause I'm the webelos leader.

sarabowles said...

Christa I love the before and after pictures. You still are a beauty! Even in your nasty hair and scout uniform. I love ya girl.