Thursday, January 1, 2009

A view of Bagdad

Here are Cassidy and Sarah watching the sunset at one of our favorite spots here in Bagdad. It is a bench that someone put at the top of the hill above our house and it overlooks the whole town/city/village. We love going up there. And as a sidenote: this is also where Cassidy buried her parakeet, Explorer, when she died. Morgan had a ceremony and everything and now there is a rock memorial that Cassidy visits often. As another sidenote: when Cassidy's bird died, I came to her and said, "Don't worry honey, Explorer didn't die from lack of love." She instantly responded "No, she didn't die from lack of love, she died from lack of water." Well put Cassidy, well put!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Christa - I always love your blog and your pictures but this one is my favorite - I so miss everything about Bagdad and am just so hungry for pictures of home - thank you so much for sharing this one with us and my cry is more - more! I love Bek's and Taras' blogs too but it won't let me leave messeges for them so you could you let them know how much I enjoy seeing all of you. I miss you girls so much it is just plain stupid! Becci

Erin said...

That's awesome! I had two finches once... they both died from lack of food... My fault. :(